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Have you ever wondered what it takes to make it in the sexiest industry on the market? I’m not sure what all the big names do, but this is how I make it.

I start my day just like anyone else. I wake up and get dressed and maybe have a spot of breakfast. From there, on production days, I have my hair and makeup done, then pick my outfit and get ready to film!

When it comes to the actual porn industry and producing content, there is more than just “record sex and post it”. I had to hire producers and support staff that I trust to help me make the content, find partners that I have some sort of spark or chemistry with, edit all the footage, then post it to my various sites. Most times, editing and posting takes longer than the actual production!

I’m lucky in my partner selection, because I’m open to experimenting and I have a few partners that are the same. This is important because you need to be open-minded when creating new content, if you want your audience and fans to keep coming back for more! Finding a producer with heaps of new ideas is a big help, too. I had to find one that was perfect for my vision and who could keep up with my energy.

The editing is a process all on its own. You have to take shots from different camera angles and keep the film’s continuity in mind. You don’t want to have the same scene play from different angles, if it doesn’t fit in the film. Porn isn’t like regular sex, you have to keep the camera’s view in mind while appearing like you’re just caught up in the moment. Selecting the perfect angle, then stitching it together with other shots, then touching up brightness or blemishes, or other random adjustments.

For someone who’s not in the industry, or even for someone that’s just starting out, this might seem like a lot of work, and it can be. If you want to really take off, you’ve got to keep creating new and exciting content for your fans. I love it because it’s something I’m really good at, and it keeps me busy without becoming boring or repetitive. Porn gives me a creative outlet where I can experiment sexually and really just put myself out there. I really do adore making my own movies, and the fact that I get to work with so many diverse people is a huge added bonus!

Charlie x

Thanks for your insight into the behind the scenes work that goes into your work. The hard work is appreciated as is your eye for detail. Your personality on screen comes across very naturally as well. Cheers.