WARNING - This site is for adults only!

This web site contains sexually explicit material:

Lately, we’ve been filming outdoors a lot. This time of the year is a great time, from a director and model perspective, to film some fantastic outside scenes for upcoming videos and photoshoots. It really surprises me, sometimes, that so many people have never even considered fucking outside. It’s so freeing and liberating in ways that being inside can’t even compare to. If you want to try it yourself, there are ways to stay safe and some tips that might help you out.

The biggest thing to remember is to go somewhere you won’t get caught. Make sure you find a spot where you won’t be seen by someone who can’t consent to see you naked. If they don’t know you’re there, they can’t consent. Make sure you’re not in a super public path with tourists or minors, especially. You don’t want some poor old granny rounding the corner with her ankle biters in tow and suddenly spotting you getting shagged from behind against a tree.

Once you’ve found a good spot that’s nice and private, think about your surroundings. For example, if you’re in the woods, you may want to bring bug spray or sunblock. No one likes mosquito bites on their arse or sunburned tits. Make sure no one is going to be impaled with thorns and there are no ant piles around that you’ll end up rolling in, too, unless you’re into that sort of thing. And please, if you’re going to the beach take a towel or blanket. Sand in your cracks is extremely unpleasant.

If you’re nervous about taking your date on a wild outdoors fuck session, make sure you dress for the part. Lose the underwear and ladies, wear a skirt or dress. The breeze feels nice, and you can get in and out a lot faster – pun intended.

However you decide to do it, make sure you go prepared with cleanup cloths and a blanket, or at the very least some water, because the thrill with have you blowing your load and becoming dehydrated in no time!

Charlie x