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Blog Posts With a 'shibari' Tag

This week I’ve been reflecting on one of my most challenging shoots ever. It was one of those things where everything that could go wrong did go wrong. But I feel like I learnt almost all my filmmaking lessons with this little production. And I’m so grateful.

So much work goes into creating these pieces – you can watch a gorgeous scene ten minute scene, but not see the many days worth of hours that go into that creation. The initial spark of inspiration for this venture was found in a random location – an old warehouse. I saw visions of rope suspension, and intricate knots, of someone using me as they pleased. It was a vision so fucking hot I had to make it happen. But if I knew now just how ambitious I was being, I would probably tell myself to chill the fuck out, and start somewhere simpler. The film could rightfully be called ‘The One Year Saga’!

It could also be called ‘This Was Four Hours Of Footage’. Yep – the beautiful twenty minutes that flows smooth as rope in a riggers hands was four hours of raw footage. I mean, who knew it would be tricky for me to direct while bound and suspended mid-air? Who coulda guessed the rigging would keep me on a slow, continuous spin, throwing shadows, messing with the lighting, and doing my videographers head in? And what a surprise that we all got pretty tired and over it.

If it weren’t for the people I was working with, I’d call this a total Nightmare Shoot. I had the great honour to have Shibari master Avalon working off-screen, in charge of the rope and rigging. My fun-time co-collaborator, Honey Analvherker performed as my Top. Both did a fantastic job in helping me bring this vision to life, and bring me a genuine fondness for this film that I wouldn’t otherwise have.

So this week, friends, fans and followers, all I ask is that you use a moment of your Charlie-time to sow some grains of gratitude. If you haven’t already subscribed, now’s your time. Not only do you get access to my previous uploads, but THREE new uploads each week featuring hot (HOT!!!) sex, explicit pics, and fascinating video interviews. It’s such a great way to show your appreciation.

And subscribers, know my next few orgasms are in gratitude to YOU. Your acknowledgement of all this hard work means so much to me.

Many appreciative kisses,

Charlie x