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Blog Posts With a 'filming' Tag
A Day On the Set
Tags: pornstar filming

Variety is the spice of life. And as you’ve seen from my content, I love changing things up. For me my days on set are some of the best on my calendar. Not only is all the labour leading up to the shoot about to be realised, but I’m about to hang out with some truly glorious people, and get a hole or three seen to! Even when it’s physically and intellectually exhausting, challenging, and chaotic, it’s in the most exhilarating and blissful way.

It’s always an early start. Best case scenario, I get to stay on location the night before, but even if I do, it only saves me an extra hour or so. I always try to arrive on set well before the cast and crew begin to arrive. It’s good to be able to acquaint myself with the space, get the necessary paperwork ready, and visualise staging ideas.

Once I’ve booked a location for a day, we try to get as much out of the space as possible, so there’ll be numerous scenes being shot that day. Generally the crew arrive first, and as we chat through ideas for lighting, and camera angles, we also start unpacking the many crates of gear required to get the job done. Depending on the schedule, and the required look for the first shoot, I might also start hair and make-up. Generally, I think we’re pretty well organised, with the crew handling the set-up by the time the cast start arriving.

When I schedule a day of shooting, we always leave the messier, crazier shit til last – makes sense, right? So the day generally starts with whatever is simplest to shoot – be it fewest cast members, tightest space, least angles. Before we start shooting, we just hang out; get paperwork done, chat about life while we finish up hair and make-up, and go over what the scene will look like, and what we’re wanting to achieve. Once we’re ready, it’s over to the crew for a couple of walk-throughs, checking the light, camera angles, sound levels etc. and way the action play out. After that, someone calls action. And I get a thrill in my gut every time.

(I’ve written a post in this blog about porn sex – what it’s like and how it differs from sex in my personal life. Go check it out for more details. Kiss!)

I’m pretty good at bouncing back from a sexy endorphin rush, so after pacifying my pussy for the required amount of time, and promising her there’ll be more orgasms to come, I settle into a little debrief with my collaborators while I rehydrate and refuel. Between shoots, we usually have maybe 90 mins of break in between. But when I say ‘break’, a lot of that goes into setting up for the next scene. I’ve got to wash and freshen up – often redo hair and or make-up, the equipment needs to be moved, and re-set, and the newly arriving cast-members need to be welcomed and settled in, then briefed on our intentions for the shoot.

As I mentioned earlier, the intensity and complexity of the shoots is planned to escalate throughout the day, so we don’t tire anyone out too early, or take the chance of messing up the schedule. It’s not uncommon for the number of people on-set to grow throughout the day. I’m often blessed with cast members arriving early, or staying after their shoot to help out on set. It’s such a fucking wholesome and wonderful thing, and an excellent example of the adorable camaraderie created on our shoots. I get tingles thinking about it.

Around mid-afternoon, we’re at least two scenes in, and doing some eats, and setting up for our final shoots. Often we’ll shoot interview material, or do a photoset if we’re dressed and ready for a scene. But this is usually a pretty chill time, amping up to whatever big messy thing we have planned. If it’s an orgy on a dining table, aggressive sploshing, cake-fed blowjobs, watersports, rope, or just pools of squirt, there’s a pretty good chance it was up last on the schedule. There are some clean-ups and comedowns that really do need time, especially Shibari and hardcore sploshing!

The day ends in any number of ways, always spontaneous and dependent on how we’re all feeling. Sometimes we’re all just keen to haul arse home to our pets, so the pack up is quick, and organised – the crew are super precise with their process, and if there’s bonus help we can get out pretty quick. But other times, we grab dinner and have some drinks, and hang out into the night, chatting while we gather power cords and sand bags, pretty much cruising the pack-up. And then indulging in some of the luxuries the location may have on offer – Hello spa! Hi beautiful balcony! Hey there stunning views! I mean, it’s really not terrible.

I do wonder what my typical shoot will look like in the future. Much of my content was created under the restricted circumstances of Melbourne lockdowns. Not only were there very few times to create, but the time we did have was finite – even if we could get together, the next lockdown was potentially just around the corner, so we had to make as much content as we could when we could. Now that we’re living in a lockdown-free reality it’s easier to shoot less content more frequently and settle that Shoot Day schedule down a bit. But will I? I guess 2022 will tell.

Hoping 2022 is being good to you all so far!

Best wishes,

Charlie x