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Anyone who has ever watched porn has seen some steamy action outdoors. Making that sort of magic happen can be risky and complicated, which is why most directors stick to recoding inside. When you’re shooting outside, there are so many small factors to consider.

The biggest risk is filming and getting caught. The idea of getting caught can be exciting so you have the thrill and fun of that mentality, but if you’re outside and there are a lot of hikers or tourists, you have to be careful to not have any unwanted “extras” appearing in your shots. If some random birdwatcher shows up during an exceptionally steamy anal shot, it means you’ve got to cut that part out and rerecord. There’s also the risk of having the cops called and having to deal with legal dilemmas is never fun.

Timing becomes everything in these situations. Where we are, it’s fucking freezing outside this time of year, but that means less people about. No one wants to go hiking or galivanting in the cold, they would much rather wait until the weather starts to warm up. Filming during colder weather, though, means less risk of interruption and more time spent filming great content!

The other thing we have to consider, especially here, is any wildlife. Snakes and spiders are not a prop we want to deal with, so we have to be careful to scope out the area really quickly before we start to set up.

Even with all of the risks and considerations, filming outside still has plenty of positive sides. The lighting is almost always perfect and the scenery in nature is something that is nearly impossible to replicate on set. There is a certain thrill you get from fucking outside, and that feeling is captured on camera and it’s something the viewers can see in the way the performers react to their environment. The fresh air combined with hot sex and a beautiful view are probably the best part of filming outside. I can’t wait to show you what I mean!

Charlie x