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A Very Busy Week!

Belated Greetings Everyone! Huge apologies for the delay in getting this update posted – it’s been a hectic week, but for all the very best reasons. There’s some major work in the pipelines, and some great opportunities to explore as I continue doing my very best to bring you a diverse array of fucktacular film, photos and information.

As some of you might already know, aside from all this producing and performing, I also have an extremely high stress ‘civilian’ job in a medical field. And not that long ago, I sustained an injury at my civvie job that has really made me stop and think about my priorities. It also brought right home to me how much pressure I was constantly putting myself under. Having to slow things down gave me a chance to reconnect to my body; I’ve had some time to be still (as much as I hate it!) and really consider where I want my energy to be spent.

And I decided it’s here with you all. Within the adult industry, and particularly with my co-stars and cohorts, I feel I’ve found a really great space, supported by some stellar humans. It’s work that allows all my qualities to really integrate and shine; I get to use my creativity, intellect, logistical and social skills simultaneously. It’s standing in a place of real power, and it feels like I’m where I’m meant to be.

So yes, I haven’t had the time I want to put into the blog this week, cos opportunities have to be grabbed when they’re there. But there’s still some super sexy content dropping this week, including the ‘Yummy’ photoset where Emberley Adams and I ‘eat’ our veges – you will love it. Also look out for my very naughty video, ‘On the Road’ – find out what it’s like to drive with me when it’s all about the horn!

Apologies again for the late and quick check-in, but rest assured I’ll be thinking of you all til I have your next updates ready.

Charlie x