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This web site contains sexually explicit material:


Sex is one of the most exciting activities in the world. I don’t think anyone should limit their sexual encounters to the basics, since there’s an entire world of new positions and techniques out there that are just waiting for you to try them.

Let’s be real, everyone has those secret fantasies that you’re too shy or embarrassed to mention. If you never mention it, though, then how will you ever get a chance to try it out? Whether it’s a foot fetish, or anal play, or pegging, there will always be someone out there willing to try your sexual fantasies with you.

Exploring new sexual desires is half the fun of having sex to begin with! When you’re open to exploring new methods, you might just find that your fetish is not that weird, or that you have a new favorite way to orgasm!

Experimenting can be anything from trying new positions to trying multiple partners or situations! Constantly having sex with the same person in the same position gets old fast. Try switching it up! I personally like to try different positions in different locations with different partners.

This may sound a bit difficult to keep up with, but having multiple partners means I always have someone willing to try new things with me. Even if one person is opposed to trying something, I can always find someone else who’s willing to try my new ideas. If it’s good, I get it on film and post it for all the world to enjoy.

If you aren’t an “ideas person”, try watching some of my videos for different things to try. It might inspire you come up with your own new positions! There will never be too much sex in the world.

Don’t be afraid to get out there and test the limits with what your body can do and take, even if it scares you a little bit! You don’t need to be a porn star or a gymnast to test your flexibility, so stretch those muscles and a bend in new ways. Go to a sex party or swinger’s party. Get a tripod and record a movie, even if no one watches it. Have fun with it.

This is your life, and you’re the only one who can live it!

Charlie x